Life goes on, even with the discord…

So, coronavirus is really no longer in the headlines, and George Floyd murdered in Minneapolis, the cop that did it is in jail – and moved to a maximum-security prison, for the time being. BLM and ANTIFA have decided to not let a good crisis go to waste, and burn, loot, and kill for their own agendas. In my humble opinion, once the brought-in paid rioters/looters (and the opportunistic ones as well) overran the lawful protests, it wasn’t about Mr. Floyd any longer. It became a political-based organized event, paid for and supported by leftists who will do anything to take down our current form of government and replace it with something else. If you watch/read the news and understand what is going on – Mail-in voting – which is a massive fraud (no matter what the “Fact Checkers” say) to allow the left to win the November election and stay in power forever – they can’t do it any other way, Socialism, Communism, the United Nations agenda to have a World Government based on its ideals, the New World Order, whatever they pick will not be good for us or the country. Your rights stripped away and much more. Keep watching and listening, you’ll see it happening. The question is, what are we going to do about it?

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